Air Conditioning Installation Aurora
With warmer weather it’s never a bad time to start thinking about your central air system. As many of you know, living in Aurora, our temperatures can get to be pretty stifling during the spring and summer months.
And there’s nothing more uncomfortable than sitting in your living room, drenched in sweat, fanning yourself with a newspaper, cursing the fact that you don’t have any central air system.
JL Heating and Air can come to your rescue. If what you’re needing is A/C installation we’ve got you covered. The first part is determining the size of the unit you will need. Too small a size won’t give you sufficient cooling capabilities while too large a unit may cost more than you’re willing to pay.
Then we need to decide what kind of air conditioning unit you want. Believe it or not, but there are a plethora of options to choose from. Not only do we work with you to fit the installation into your budget, but we also want it to look good. Our air conditioners can be ductless, through-the-window, regular or custom or top installation. It’s completely dependent on what you want. We thrive on our customer service and we will do everything in our power to check off every box on your list.
Or perhaps you already have an A/C unit…What do you do next? Since Aurora has been freezing over the past months, you probably haven’t had a reason to turn on your A/C. We offer pre-season preparations, making sure that your unit is in working order before the heat hits. These regular check-ups (performed twice a year) will increase your HVAC performance. Like anything else, nipping a problem in the bud early on will be less costly and less stressful. These little tune-ups will largely extend the life of your A/C unit, saving you time, money and annoyance.
We also offer general maintenance and repair services so you’re never left in a pinch. Let’s face it, there is nothing more frustrating than going to turn on the A/C and having nothing happen. Our team of professionals will be out to you in a jiffy to perform Air Conditioning Installation Aurora co and make sure your A/C is back on and cooling you off.
We love this town and this community. We want to make sure you are as comfortable as possible. Because honestly, if your not comfortable in your own home or workpalce, we haven’t done our job!